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Festival International du Rire de Rochefort

    In Rochefort, for more than 35 years, humor has been celebrated each year during the Rochefort International Laughter Festival.

    It all started in 1981, the Festival at the time only lasted four days. Today, it is an institution that extends over 3 weeks.

    The event has since acquired undeniable international fame and Rochefort is now recognized as the universal capital of laughter. A smiling image that the city conveys every day during the Festival period and throughout the year.

    Even if every year big names in humor arrive on the stage of the Center Culturel des Roches, the Festival’s above all goal and ambition is to discover and promote new pearls of humor. This is how Dany Boon, Yolande Moreau, Michel Boujenah, Marc Herman, Virginie Hocq… took their first steps in Rochefort during the Festival’s international competition, the Tremplin du Rire!


    +32 (0)84 22 10 83