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Who is Rochefort Tourisme ?

Rochefort Tourisme est a nonprofit organization on a human scale. It brings its region to life through its recurring events, promotes tourist attractions and develops new productswith an emphasis on welcoming visitors from all backgrounds.

Made up of a team passionate about tourism, nature, culture and history, Rochefort Tourisme is constantly evolving in order to offer varied activities all year round.

Our values

  • Proximity
  • Sustainable Tourism
  • Mutual help and collective construction
  • Responsability for environmental issues

Our missions

  • WELCOME AND INFORM tourists and locals
  • PROMOTERochefort’s tourist attractions
  • DYNAMISE Rochefort and its villages through tourist and event activities
  • PROMOTElocal events

Our attractions

The non-profit organization mainly deals with promoting Rochefort region through its events but also through its tourist attractions, namely :

Rochefort city tour

Une famille assise sur un banc dans un mini-golf, entourée de végétation luxuriante. Le parcours de mini-golf est visible. Des arbres et leur feuillage vert ajoutent un c magnifique à l'ambiance paisible et naturelle du lieu.

Mini Golf of Rochefort

Escape in the city

Would you like to support us ?

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